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Population Health
Status Checks:


Eastern Health partnered with Labrador-Grenfell Health and Aboriginal partners to develop Journey in the Big Land, a program to enhance cancer care for the Labrador Inuit, Innu and members of the NunatuKavut Community.


Infection Prevention and Control (IPC), in collaboration with Decision Support, developed an alert system and supporting reports to improve utilization of IPC staff and support quality monitoring and reporting of infection-related data.  


The Paramedicine and Medical Transport Service organized a new Heroes Give Back blood donor clinic in partnership with Canadian Blood Services during National Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Week 2013.


Health Promotion completed an environmental scan of programs and services and data related to smoking and pregnant women. The scan identified the need for a targeted approach to address issues of low income and education, and plans for such an approach are in development.

Testing at Public Health Laboratory


Immunization Goes Viral

Every year, during influenza season – roughly from October to the following March – Eastern Health prepares to put a significant number of needles into arms – to protect groups at risk from whatever flu strain that’s making the rounds that particular year.


This past season, started off no differently.


However, by January 2014, demand for ‘shots’ – shot through the roof – unexpectedly – and the Public Health immunization clinics were filled to overflowing, fuelled by reports of concerns in other parts of the country.


By season’s end, community health nurses had administered 22,942 immunizations – triple the number from the previous year.


Simultaneously, the Public Health Laboratory was swamped with requests from family physicians to test patient samples for the respiratory virus.


Both groups jumped into action – and with quick thinking – prioritizing needs – and a lot of collaboration – proved they were up to the challenge when a critical demand ‘goes viral.’

Checking our Vitals

Additional information on Eastern Health's performance can be found in the Annual Performance Report 2013-2014.

Annual Performance Report 2013-2014
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